Friday 28 September 2012

Friday 28th September 2012: Problems

After thinking through my potential project, I have came to the conclusion that eating diorders would be a difficult and touchy subject. This could mean that I do something bad regarding the subject and may end up offending certain people

I need to change my project subject and come up with a less offensive topic. In order to do this I have created a mind map full of potential subjects for my EPQ and some possible questions that I can use.

I like the idea of doing my project on something regarding plastic surgery because I have seen countless documentaires and there will be lots of information available. This will be good when researching the subject: the more the better!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Tuesday 25th September 2012: Plaigarism

Realised today that plagiarising work is completely wrong and should not happen in my EPQ 5000 word essay. I now know that I am allowed to reference other peoples work as long as I reference correctly it is okay. Looking at some certain examples I know exactly how to do this and feel confident that I will be able to do this correctly.

Friday 21 September 2012

Friday 21st September 2012: WORDLE

I have done a wordle for my eating disorders project.
The words which I have used will help me realise what I need to look at within my research. For example, on my wordle, the word 'perfection' appears. I can then research into things such as societies idea of perfection as well as asking certain people what they think that 'perfect' is.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Tuesday 18th September 2012: Possible Question

I am considering doing my EPQ essay on something to do with eating disorders.
This is because there is a lot of information available around that subject.

Friday 14 September 2012

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Tuesday 11th September 2012: Harvard Referencing

Learn about how to reference correctly. I now know that if i use some information from a certain source I need to make a note of where I got the information from. Also learnt what Harvard referencing was:
The Harvard style of referencing is sometimes referred to as the author-date style.It requires the acknowledgement of source(s) of information or ideas using in-text citation and a reference list. The Harvard system of in-text citation requires three pieces of information about a source within the text of a piece of work:
  • The name of the author or authors
  • The year of publication
  • The page number (where appropriate)
In the Harvard system, the reference list requires full details of the sources referred to or cited.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Tuesday 4th September 2012

The beginning of EPQ: we get told what the course is about and what we need to do:
  • 5000 word essay on a subject or our choice
  • A large amount of research
  • 4 hours each week worth of work
  • All of the above based on a question regarding a subject of our choice



I have decided to keep a record of my EPQ as a blog as opposed to a diary as it is a method which I think is more suitable for me. I am in year 12 at Lutterworth College studying English Language, Media Studies, D+T Product Design and Business Studies. I spend a lot of time on the computer and so having a blog is more appropriate than keeping a written record.