Monday 29 October 2012

Monday 29th October 2012: Bad Jocelyn Wildenstein

I have been researching int bad cases of plastic surgery as well as good so that t I can reference in my essay why plastic surgery is definitely not worth it. The example can be used as evidence.

This is Jocelyn Wildenstein, a woman whose plastic surgery addiction has gone way too far. It is alleged that she has spent almost $4 million on cosmetic surgery over the years.
It started in 1970 when Jocelyn, a 'fresh faced mother of two' found her extremely rich art dealer husband in bed with a 21 year onld Russian model and, instead of leaving him and taking all his money, decided to win him back with her 'beautiful' looks which she achieved by going under the knife. Unfortunately, her plan failed and her face is left like this (see image above).
I need to find out exactly what she has had done and who did it in order to help me understand when her plastic surgery addiction became out of control. This can then be used as a risk of plastic surgery and can show why plastic surgery isnt worth it.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Thursday 25th October 2012: Jen An Example

I have looked into famous people that have had plastic surgery, some good examples and some bad examples, so that I can make references to these people in my essay. One of the people that I looked at was Jennifer Aniston.

She has had 'not one but two nose jobs!' in order to 'correct a deviated septum'. I  can use her in my essay as a good example of plastic surgery. This is because it looks good and she was never hurt during the procedure. Also, it doesn't look too skeleton like, instead it looks very natural and better than it did before. I can therefore use her as a good example of cosmetic surgery.
From this I now need to research about nose jobs (rhinoplasty), including information about what happens during the procedure, average cost, hbow many are performed each year, etc

Friday 19 October 2012

Friday 19th October 2012: Surgery Topics

I have made a list of some things which I need to find out in order to come up with an appropriate response to my question:

  • The risks of having plastic surgery
    • What could happen?
    • What has happened in the past?
    • Any severe issues?
    • Any laws?
  • The benefits of having plastic surgery
  • Facts and figures about plastic surgery (can be used as evidence to back up any points made in my essay)
  • What kinds of surgical procedures exist?
    • How popular are they?
  • If any non surgical procedures exist
  • How popular are they?
  • The popularity of plastic and cosmetic surgery
    • How much was spent on each procedure?
    • How many procedures were performed last year?
    • How much (%) has the figure changed within the past few years
  • The history of plastic surgery
    • When it first started
    • Why it first started
    • The first people ever to have plastic surgery
      • Which procedures?
      • Why?
      • Who performed it?
      • Press coverage (news papers, etc)

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Tuesday 16th October 2012: Question

I know the question that I am going to answer in my essay:


I think that this is a good title/question as it gives me lots of ground to work on and cover. Now I have a question I can start to think about what I need to find out in prder for me to be able to argue and find an aswer to this question.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Thursday 11th October 2012: WORDLE

I have now created another wordle for my new plastic surgery topic. This will help me when researching as I will have a greater idea of the kind of things I need to look for.

"Wordle is a toy for generating 'word clouds' from text that you provide. The clouds give a greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts and colour schemes"

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Tuesday 9th October 2012: Plastic Surgery

Today I did some further research into plastic surgery and have found various facts and statistics regarding my subject. For example, £10 billion was spent on cosmetic surgery in the UK in 2011. I can use this information to make assumptions within the subject, such as which was the most popular procedure, how much money was spent on surgery which was a necessity (in order to survive/walk/etc) as opposed to surgery which was a desire (vanity such as liposuction/boob jobs/etc)