Tuesday 19 February 2013

Tuesday 19th February 2013- Skills

I have developed various skills that should help me in the future including:

Being able to imagine better. At the beginning of the project I didn't have a clue what I was going to do my project on, however after thinking of various ideas (shown in the mid map which I created at the beginning) I came up with a lot of ideas that would have been good to research. I also got better at inventing things which, again was shown in the mind map as I had to think of various questions which I could answer in my essay. Exploring the certain projects before deciding on a topic and also furthering my knowledge on plastic surgery. Exploring into the topic will make me able to answer to the question more accurately. This all shows my creative thinking skills.
I have also been able to question how the research I have done will lead to helping me find an answer to the quetsion. This will lead to more arguments and discussion points within my essay. I have shown research skills when I have been researching points about plastic surgery which I would like to use in my project. I have also gained selective skills as I have read through a lot of information in order to find the points which I will need to use. Being able to analyse the information that I have found has meant I know what I need to include (aka- the important bits). In my essay I will show evaluative skills when using the information that I have collected in order to find an answer. These all show me being an independant enquirer.
I was able to set goals for myself when I was planning my research and I also showed that I was able to self assess when putting my research into my blog as I could plan what I had done right and what I needed to do next. I showed improvement skills when I was changing my topic in order to make my project better overall. When changing my project I also showed that I was able to solve problems as it meant that the issues my project faced were no longer there. These all show that I am a reflective learner.
I have also showed self managing skills such as organising when I put all of my research onto my diary blog. Managing time skills were shown when I was organising how I was going to do research over a certain time scale.

Friday 15 February 2013

Friday 15th February 2013- Progress

The log shows the progress that has happened since I started the project.
Early on in the project I decided I was going to change from doing a project surrounding eating disorders to plastic surgery.
Eating disorders is a touchy subject and there were quite a few personal issues that could have made it difficult to keep the argument un-biased and so I changed to the topic of plastic surgery. I have an interest in this (I did my english coursework on plastic surgery and found it really interesting) and so thought it would be really interesting to do this as an extended project qualification subject.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Sunday 10th February 2013- MID POINT REVIEW- FUTURE PLANNING

further planning

This is how I plan to research and continue with my project until the final due date.
In the chart shown above, I have included what I want to to in week 1, 2, 3 and 4 of each month until it is finall due in. If I follow the chart I will be able to get all of the research and opinions in order to answer the title of my project.
Throughout the upcomming months I will continue to research on the interenet as there is so many websites and resources which I can use in order to find more information that will help me to come up with an answer to the quesion.
Also, looking at magazine and newspaper articles on the subject will help me come up with an answer because I can get opinions of journalists as well as current affairs issues.
Emailing and interviewing other people who are related to the project (such as people who have had plastic surgery and surgeons) would be useful as they could give me their opinions which could help me find an answer to my question.

I created the future planning chart on Microsoft Excel

Monday 4 February 2013

Sunday 4th February 2013- AQA MID POINT REVIEW PREP

In preparation for my EPQ mid point review on the 5th of March 2013, I need to prepare myself for the information they are going to require.
Things such as my preferred references and why I chose to do things the way that I did will come up in the interview and so I need to prepare myself for it.
In my EPQ mid point review teachers will be asking me questions so that they know about my topic, why I have chosen that topic/question as well as how much progress I have made with the project so far since I began my extended project qualification
In order to prepare myself I have filled in a table to organise my answers as shown in the images above.