Saturday 10 November 2012

Saturday 10th November 2012: Surgery Facts: Top 5, Increase/Decrease

Found out more facts regarding surgery in the United Kingdom

  • In 2010: 38,274 cosmetic procedures were carried out
  • In 2010: 90% of the cosmetic procedures were carried out on women

This is interesting as it shows that almost all of the cosmetic procedures were carried out on women suggesting that women, being the main users, are only in it for vainity. They are only having cosmetic procedures in order to make themselves look better as opposed to "REAL" surgery which would be for people in occupations such as the army where they would need surgery to correct disfigurements.

How does this help my project?
Vainity. This will be one of my main focuses within the essay which I am going to do and so the facts will enable me to have evidential proof that many people are having surgery for this reason rather than when they actually NEED a procedure- like army soldiers.

  • In the past 15 years (as of 2011) the number of surgical procedures had increased by 197%
  • The top surgical procedures of 2011 are:
    • 1- Liposuction
    • 2- Breast augmentation
    • 3- Abdominoplasty
    • 4- Eye lid surgery
    • 5- Breast lift
  • In the past 15 years (as of 2011) the number of non surgical procedures had increased by 356%
  • The top non surgical procedures of 2011 are:
    • 1- Botox
    • 2- Hyaluronic acid
    • 3- Laser hair removal

I need to find out what all of these procedures are and what they do
Also, the costs
Also, perfhaps interviews and/or reports of people who have had these procedures
Find out why they did it
Find out if they think that the result was worth it
Maybe talk to surgeons and to see if they think it is worth it

all on this post

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