Wednesday 28 November 2012

Wednesday 28th November 2012: The History of Surgery- beginning

The History of Plastic Surgery
Did some research to find out when plastic surgery began

I found that:
  1. It is older than you would think
  2. Nose reconstructions performed in India as early as 2000BC when amputation of the nose was considered to be an accepted form of punnishment
  3. Surgical procedures were noted in Sanskrit texts (sushruta-sam-hita) which was written in approximately 600BC
  4. In India, reconstruction of the nose was done using tissue from the persons cheek bones
  5. Aside from this, most modern procedures only date back to the 1880s and 1890s
  6. Cosmetic surgery came into popularity in the 16th century alongside the renaissance alongside the epidemic of syphilis (the STD) which would cause disfigurement meaning that nose rebuilding
Could be interesting to use this information within my essay.

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