Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tuesday 13th November 2012: What is Cosmetic Surgery?

I have researched Cosmetic Surgery
To do this I have been on the NHs website.

"Cosmetic surgery is often carried out to change a person appearance in order to achieve what they percieve to be a more desirable look"

Again, this links back to the theme of vainity. The definition on the National Health Service Website suggests that, more often than not, people have cosmetic procedures in order to enhance their appearance so that they look better.
"However in certain situations cosmetic surgery is needed for functional use"
This suggests that occasionally vainity is not always the reason for cosmetic procedures.
An example of this is women having breast reductions used to alleviate back or neck pain.
I need to find an interview or report or anticle (etc) regardimg someone who has had a breast reduction in order to alleviate back or neck pain
Whether or not it helped
And if it was worth it!

This will be in this post

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