Tuesday 18 December 2012

Friday 18th December 2012: Surgery History, Growth and Development


I found that there was signifiant growth and development during the first world war (1914-1918) as the need for reconstructions dramatically increased. This was because there were many burn and blast victims with dramatic disfiguring injuries.

These injuriess caused challenges for surgeons and increased the growth and development of surgery.

How does this help my project?
This is evidence which goes agains the idea of vainity within my project. During the growth and development witin the war, plastic surgery was not used to for vainity, instead it was a vital way of enabling survival. I will use the war and surgery as one of the subjects in my essay.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Tuesday 15th December 2012: MORE vainity!

Found out some information about Johnann Freidrich Dieffenbach

He defoned plastic surgery as 'beauty surgery"

How will this help my project?

Again, this links back to my main subject vainity.
From the definition above, you can see that beauty is in relation to the way that people look and having pretty qualities that 'please' others.
The renaming of cosmetic to beauty surgery was done to differentiate the link from aesthetic procedures to "real" procedures.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Sunday 2nd December 2012: History and Renewed Interest

Looked into how plastic surgery beagn after the Indian tradition
I found that:
  1. In the 16th century Italian surgeon Gasparo Tagliacozzi and French surgeon Ambroise Pare experimented with the onld Indian tradition
  2. This sparked renewed interest in this surgery idea
Facts about Rhinoplasty (nose job)
  • The results of a rhinoplasty procedure can last a lifetime.
  • Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to re-shape the nose, giving it a more pleasing appearance.
  • A rhinoplasty should be ethnically appropriate and should be individualised to the patient’s other facial features.
  • Problems with breathing can be corrected at the same time as a cosmetic rhinoplasty.
  • Rhinoplastic surgery reshapes not only tissues but bones and cartilage
  • Secondary rhinoplasties are not uncommon due to possible further trauma to the nose, surgically unacceptable results or patient lifestyle.

How will this help my project?
The information regarding the new interest means that I can talk about the history of plastic surgery within my essay. Also, the facts that I have found that could be used as proof that it is worth it: for example: problems with breathing can be corrected.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Wednesday 28th November 2012: The History of Surgery- beginning

The History of Plastic Surgery
Did some research to find out when plastic surgery began

I found that:
  1. It is older than you would think
  2. Nose reconstructions performed in India as early as 2000BC when amputation of the nose was considered to be an accepted form of punnishment
  3. Surgical procedures were noted in Sanskrit texts (sushruta-sam-hita) which was written in approximately 600BC
  4. In India, reconstruction of the nose was done using tissue from the persons cheek bones
  5. Aside from this, most modern procedures only date back to the 1880s and 1890s
  6. Cosmetic surgery came into popularity in the 16th century alongside the renaissance alongside the epidemic of syphilis (the STD) which would cause disfigurement meaning that nose rebuilding
Could be interesting to use this information within my essay.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Tuesday 20th November 2012: About America and Surgery

Facts about America and Cosmetic Surgery

In 2010 Americans spent nearly $10.7 billion on cosmetic surgery procedures
Of that:
  • $6.6 billion was spent on surgical procedures
  • $1.9 billion was spent on injectable procedures
  • $1.8 billion was spent on skin rejuvinating procedures
  • $500 million spent on other non surgical procedures (laser hair removal and laser leg vain treatment)
I need to do research into what these are
Shown in this post
How does this help my project?
Knowing facts and figures will be used as evidence in my essay.
This shows that people are continuing to have surgery and so is proof that it is worth it

Friday 16 November 2012

Friday 16th November 2012: Male Surgery

Today I did some research into mens cosmetic procedures after finding out that around 10% of cosmetic procedures are carried out on men which is a tiny amount of procedures. Because it is such a small number I am interested to know the procedures used and to see whether or not this is "real" cosmetic surgery or, again, for vainity.

(Darren Lyons had body contouring to add definition to his 'abs' to create a 'six-eight pac'. Sadly, he looks ridiculous. What a stupid idea!)

In 2011the top 5 cosmetic procedures for males were:
  • Nose reshaping (rhinoplasty) links to Jennifer Anistons nose jobs in this post
  • Eye lid surgery
  • Ear pinning
  • Liposuction
  • Male breast reduction (moobs)
An interview with a 'moob' reduction patient to get a bigger insight into the procedure and why men have it done.
On this post

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tuesday 13th November 2012: What is Cosmetic Surgery?

I have researched Cosmetic Surgery
To do this I have been on the NHs website.

"Cosmetic surgery is often carried out to change a person appearance in order to achieve what they percieve to be a more desirable look"

Again, this links back to the theme of vainity. The definition on the National Health Service Website suggests that, more often than not, people have cosmetic procedures in order to enhance their appearance so that they look better.
"However in certain situations cosmetic surgery is needed for functional use"
This suggests that occasionally vainity is not always the reason for cosmetic procedures.
An example of this is women having breast reductions used to alleviate back or neck pain.
I need to find an interview or report or anticle (etc) regardimg someone who has had a breast reduction in order to alleviate back or neck pain
Whether or not it helped
And if it was worth it!

This will be in this post

Saturday 10 November 2012

Saturday 10th November 2012: Surgery Facts: Top 5, Increase/Decrease

Found out more facts regarding surgery in the United Kingdom

  • In 2010: 38,274 cosmetic procedures were carried out
  • In 2010: 90% of the cosmetic procedures were carried out on women

This is interesting as it shows that almost all of the cosmetic procedures were carried out on women suggesting that women, being the main users, are only in it for vainity. They are only having cosmetic procedures in order to make themselves look better as opposed to "REAL" surgery which would be for people in occupations such as the army where they would need surgery to correct disfigurements.

How does this help my project?
Vainity. This will be one of my main focuses within the essay which I am going to do and so the facts will enable me to have evidential proof that many people are having surgery for this reason rather than when they actually NEED a procedure- like army soldiers.

  • In the past 15 years (as of 2011) the number of surgical procedures had increased by 197%
  • The top surgical procedures of 2011 are:
    • 1- Liposuction
    • 2- Breast augmentation
    • 3- Abdominoplasty
    • 4- Eye lid surgery
    • 5- Breast lift
  • In the past 15 years (as of 2011) the number of non surgical procedures had increased by 356%
  • The top non surgical procedures of 2011 are:
    • 1- Botox
    • 2- Hyaluronic acid
    • 3- Laser hair removal

I need to find out what all of these procedures are and what they do
Also, the costs
Also, perfhaps interviews and/or reports of people who have had these procedures
Find out why they did it
Find out if they think that the result was worth it
Maybe talk to surgeons and to see if they think it is worth it

all on this post

Thursday 8 November 2012

8th November- Draft email

I am going to email some professionals so that i =Ican get a professional opinion and use this as evidence for my arguments.

Dear ...

I am doing an extended project qualification about plastic surgery where I’m trying to come to a conclusion of whether or not it is worth it or not. The way I plan to come up with an answer to the question is to look at all the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery from a variety of different viewpoints.

Because of this, it would be really useful if I could ask you some questions that would help to form another opinion which I can use as evidence in my project and could help come to a conclusion.

I’d really appreciate it if you could email me back,

Thank you for your time

Yasmin Francis

I think that explaining what I am doing in the email is a good idea and informing them of the reasons for the questions would give them a greater inscentive to answer them honestly.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Tuesday 6th November 2012: Amount of Procedures

Today I was researching facts regarding plastic surgery which I could use as evidence in my EPQ essay. These facts were about the rise of cosmetic procedures.
This shows that more and more people are chosing to have cosmetic procedures, surely showing that it is worth the time and cost. However, from these numbers I do not know the amount of people who were happy with their results and the number of people who were unhappy with their results.


How does this help my project?
It is clear that cosmetic surgery is becoming ever more popular
This could mean that people who have had procedures and are pleased with the results will go back for more or people are wanting to change their appearance more often. If people are wanting to change their appearance this would mean that they are unhappy and to change would make them feel better within themselves making them more confident and make them feel as though the procedures were definitely worth it.


Monday 29 October 2012

Monday 29th October 2012: Bad Jocelyn Wildenstein

I have been researching int bad cases of plastic surgery as well as good so that t I can reference in my essay why plastic surgery is definitely not worth it. The example can be used as evidence.

This is Jocelyn Wildenstein, a woman whose plastic surgery addiction has gone way too far. It is alleged that she has spent almost $4 million on cosmetic surgery over the years.
It started in 1970 when Jocelyn, a 'fresh faced mother of two' found her extremely rich art dealer husband in bed with a 21 year onld Russian model and, instead of leaving him and taking all his money, decided to win him back with her 'beautiful' looks which she achieved by going under the knife. Unfortunately, her plan failed and her face is left like this (see image above).
I need to find out exactly what she has had done and who did it in order to help me understand when her plastic surgery addiction became out of control. This can then be used as a risk of plastic surgery and can show why plastic surgery isnt worth it.


Thursday 25 October 2012

Thursday 25th October 2012: Jen An Example

I have looked into famous people that have had plastic surgery, some good examples and some bad examples, so that I can make references to these people in my essay. One of the people that I looked at was Jennifer Aniston.

She has had 'not one but two nose jobs!' in order to 'correct a deviated septum'. I  can use her in my essay as a good example of plastic surgery. This is because it looks good and she was never hurt during the procedure. Also, it doesn't look too skeleton like, instead it looks very natural and better than it did before. I can therefore use her as a good example of cosmetic surgery.
From this I now need to research about nose jobs (rhinoplasty), including information about what happens during the procedure, average cost, hbow many are performed each year, etc


Friday 19 October 2012

Friday 19th October 2012: Surgery Topics

I have made a list of some things which I need to find out in order to come up with an appropriate response to my question:

  • The risks of having plastic surgery
    • What could happen?
    • What has happened in the past?
    • Any severe issues?
    • Any laws?
  • The benefits of having plastic surgery
  • Facts and figures about plastic surgery (can be used as evidence to back up any points made in my essay)
  • What kinds of surgical procedures exist?
    • How popular are they?
  • If any non surgical procedures exist
  • How popular are they?
  • The popularity of plastic and cosmetic surgery
    • How much was spent on each procedure?
    • How many procedures were performed last year?
    • How much (%) has the figure changed within the past few years
  • The history of plastic surgery
    • When it first started
    • Why it first started
    • The first people ever to have plastic surgery
      • Which procedures?
      • Why?
      • Who performed it?
      • Press coverage (news papers, etc)

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Tuesday 16th October 2012: Question

I know the question that I am going to answer in my essay:


I think that this is a good title/question as it gives me lots of ground to work on and cover. Now I have a question I can start to think about what I need to find out in prder for me to be able to argue and find an aswer to this question.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Thursday 11th October 2012: WORDLE

I have now created another wordle for my new plastic surgery topic. This will help me when researching as I will have a greater idea of the kind of things I need to look for.


"Wordle is a toy for generating 'word clouds' from text that you provide. The clouds give a greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts and colour schemes"

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Tuesday 9th October 2012: Plastic Surgery

Today I did some further research into plastic surgery and have found various facts and statistics regarding my subject. For example, £10 billion was spent on cosmetic surgery in the UK in 2011. I can use this information to make assumptions within the subject, such as which was the most popular procedure, how much money was spent on surgery which was a necessity (in order to survive/walk/etc) as opposed to surgery which was a desire (vanity such as liposuction/boob jobs/etc)

Friday 28 September 2012

Friday 28th September 2012: Problems

After thinking through my potential project, I have came to the conclusion that eating diorders would be a difficult and touchy subject. This could mean that I do something bad regarding the subject and may end up offending certain people

I need to change my project subject and come up with a less offensive topic. In order to do this I have created a mind map full of potential subjects for my EPQ and some possible questions that I can use.

I like the idea of doing my project on something regarding plastic surgery because I have seen countless documentaires and there will be lots of information available. This will be good when researching the subject: the more the better!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Tuesday 25th September 2012: Plaigarism

Realised today that plagiarising work is completely wrong and should not happen in my EPQ 5000 word essay. I now know that I am allowed to reference other peoples work as long as I reference correctly it is okay. Looking at some certain examples I know exactly how to do this and feel confident that I will be able to do this correctly.

Friday 21 September 2012

Friday 21st September 2012: WORDLE

I have done a wordle for my eating disorders project.
The words which I have used will help me realise what I need to look at within my research. For example, on my wordle, the word 'perfection' appears. I can then research into things such as societies idea of perfection as well as asking certain people what they think that 'perfect' is.


Tuesday 18 September 2012

Tuesday 18th September 2012: Possible Question

I am considering doing my EPQ essay on something to do with eating disorders.
This is because there is a lot of information available around that subject.

Friday 14 September 2012

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Tuesday 11th September 2012: Harvard Referencing

Learn about how to reference correctly. I now know that if i use some information from a certain source I need to make a note of where I got the information from. Also learnt what Harvard referencing was:
The Harvard style of referencing is sometimes referred to as the author-date style.It requires the acknowledgement of source(s) of information or ideas using in-text citation and a reference list. The Harvard system of in-text citation requires three pieces of information about a source within the text of a piece of work:
  • The name of the author or authors
  • The year of publication
  • The page number (where appropriate)
In the Harvard system, the reference list requires full details of the sources referred to or cited.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Tuesday 4th September 2012

The beginning of EPQ: we get told what the course is about and what we need to do:
  • 5000 word essay on a subject or our choice
  • A large amount of research
  • 4 hours each week worth of work
  • All of the above based on a question regarding a subject of our choice



I have decided to keep a record of my EPQ as a blog as opposed to a diary as it is a method which I think is more suitable for me. I am in year 12 at Lutterworth College studying English Language, Media Studies, D+T Product Design and Business Studies. I spend a lot of time on the computer and so having a blog is more appropriate than keeping a written record.